Penfolds Bin 2 2016
More shopping in France. The nice folks at Carrefour Market emailed me a voucher for 8€ off any spend, which I spent today on olive oil and salt-crystal butter. As I paid, the till spat out another voucher – this time for 4€ off a 25€ spend. I wandered back into the store and spotted a reduced wines shelf. There were two bottles of Penfolds Bin 2 already reduced by 25%, and with the voucher reduction the final price was just over a tenner each -around half the UK price. Mataro = Mourvèdre, in case like me you didn’t know.
Once more, as I paid, the till spat out yet another voucher – this time for 4€ off a 25€ spend. I was tempted to go back to the reduced shelf for the 2011 Raymond-Lafon marked down to 20€, but told myself not to.
As I tried the wine I was reminded of the film title Everything Everywhere All At Once. There was a load of fruit, a load of oak and a load of tannin, all seemingly turned up to 11 and trying to outdo the others. All rather exhausting and not really my cup of tea. Oddly, much the same reaction as I’ve had to every other Penfolds wine I’ve tasted (going upwards, Koonunga Hill, Bin 8 and Bin 389.) So a little disappointing – but at least there’s one left, so I can try again in a year or two.

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