Virtual meeting no. 5 – Eyebroughty
Our meeting took place outside his aunt’s old house, where he used to spend his holidays. From there we walked to the beach, which can be seen in his pfm avatar. He pointed me in the right direction, bid me farewell and I headed along the shore to the rather forebodingly-named Black Rocks.

Above the Black Rocks are the remains of a ruined chapel and a rather surreal wood that is just about clinging onto life amongst the sand dunes.

Then it was time to turn south and head back across Muirfield golf course. I noted that the last time the British Open was held there in 2013 it was won by Phil Mickelson, who picked up £945,000 for his four days work. That struck me as a very decent return indeed, and I immediately made a mental note to learn golf the moment I got back to the Towers.
Woods photo © Richard Webb (cc-by-sa/2.0)
Shore photo © Lisa Jarvis (cc-by-sa/2.0)
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